
09 Aug

It’s just two days before the new academic year starts. Time really flies hur, before we know it, we’re all going to graduate and go out into the working world 😦 This summer has definitely been less hectic than the previous one, partially because I finally knocked some sense in myself and realised that I cannot over-commit all the time. It has been a pretty enriching one nonetheless! (I shall try not to make this sound like an AGM report hahahaha)

Singapore Model United Nations

Taken on the last day of SMUN 2014, with all the delegates!


The SMUN Secretariat, with our Guest-of-Honour Ambassador Vanu Gopala Menon.

It’s been a long arduous journey of planning this entire conference, and despite facing many obstacles along the way, the team managed to pull it through. πŸ™‚

Super thankful for this entire team, and I won’t ever be able to thank them enough. I would write another long thank you post, but then it’ll just sound unoriginal and I’ll just sound like a broken tape recorder repeating almost the same points over and over again. It’s been a great pleasure to have been able to head this conference, and an even greater pleasure to work with such an amazing A-Team. Additionally, I’m also glad that this conference has brought about new friendships, and made older ones stronger than before. πŸ™‚

Eusoff Orientation

STORM!! (The legit BEST OG!!)

I can now be (officially) considered a full-fledged Eusoffian because I finally did the Eusoff Challenge (which meant running around to all the other residences in NUS and cheering Eusoff-Eusoff-clapclap), amongst other things that I didn’t manage to do as a freshie because by the time I got my offer, all the events were already over. This was also my first experience being an OGL, and it was definitely an interesting one with such a chill-but-onz OG, STORM! It’s quite surprising how the OGLs were so chill and took a very hands off approach, but everyone was still so energetic and enthusiastic about station games and nuaing and all πŸ™‚ AND GUESS WHAT WE GOT BEST OG, WHOOPWHOOP!

They’re such a diverse batch of freshies, and I’m amazed how most of us managed to gel together. It doesn’t exactly feel right that all the guys are actually same age as me!! (Good grief, I FEEL SO OLD) All the late night HTHTs, drinks, suppers, movie sessions – I hope these continue into the AY, even as we get busier with our lives, hall commitments, and academics. πŸ™‚

A little bit of everything else πŸ™‚

The S1 seniors!

Went back for Arts O-Week beach day this year, and oh boy, it felt exactly like going home. Seeing familiar faces, and cheering the way we did when we were just a freshie – it certainly brought back good memories and made me feel old >< So many of us went back such that we could form a new OG, S1.1 to harass O-Commers to give us more powerups! Of course, I got dunked in the process (BY MY OWN HOUSE), cause Shaun paid them to do so -.-

Managed to see the River Safari (with a complimentary boat cruise too!) with these shenanigans. We did so many crazy things and laughed like little kids at every small silly thing we did/comment we passed. I’d think that we were on crack, but nah we weren’t.

Participated in Flag Day this year under Eusoff, together with a portion of the 27th JCRC πŸ™‚ (It’s also my first time flagging as a Eusoffian – am I even considered a Eusoffian?!?!?!?!?!) We’re such a weird bunch, coming from different social circles, yet it feels like family. It’s been three months working together, tying up some loose ends before semester starts, but I’m looking forward to the rest of the AY with these peeps!

Because under the sun, WE ARE GOLD.

This is beyond amazing, watching it live, and then on the video. Hearing the emcee announce that Eusoff-Temasek got gold was even more overwhelming (on top of finding out how certain other PBs did).

I feel immense amounts of pride while watching this, as an ex-ragger. It is no easy feat to conceptualise the storyline, and build a float from scratch in three months, much less, to produce such a kickass performance with such breathtaking choreography. I kinda regret not having enough time to help the team out more in the process, actually, but it’s too late for regrets now, right?

Rag Day has been significant for me – in 2012, marking the start of my (quite awesome) university life; last year, marking the end of something, yet the start of something new. This year, I hope that it’ll mark the start of an amazing AY ahead, both for myself and Eusoff. So many items coming up on my Eusoff calendar, and I’m really looking forward to every bit of it. Let’s hope it will be a winning year for Eusoff, yeah? *AHEMIHGAHEM*

Onward, to the new AY!

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Posted by on August 9, 2014 in Uncategorized


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